Undergraduate students who are offered admission to graduate programs in the departments listed below comprise the pool of candidates from which CBI trainees are selected. As a program sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, trainees must be US citizens or permanent residents.

School of Chemical Sciences
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

School of Molecular and Cellular Biology 
Molecular and Integrative Physiology

Students interested in being nominated to the CBI Training Program at Illinois should apply directly to one of the departmental graduate programs listed above. All departmental admissions requirements as well as requirements set forth by the Graduate College must be met in order to be considered for admission to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The CBI Training Program is committed to diversifying the graduate student population. We welcome inquiries from individuals currently underrepresented in the biomedical sciences including persons with disabilities, individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, and those from economically and/or socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

While the CBI Training Program cannot accept direct applications from prospective students, we do want to know of your interest in the program.

  1. Indicate in the last line of your Applicant Statement that you are interested in being considered for participation in the Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program
  2. After completing your graduate school application, send an email to the CBI program manager at CBI-TP@illinois.edu indicating the department(s) to which you have applied and whether you applied online or via a paper application. 

Early each spring semester, 6-8 students with an interest in working at the chemistry-biology interface who are being offered admission to one of the participating graduate programs for the coming fall semester will be offered CBI Training Program Fellowships. This occurs concurrently with, or shortly after, notification of admission to the Illinois graduate program to which the student has applied. 

Graduate Program Admissions — Apply