In addition to the Chemistry-Biology Interface trainees and faculty, students from the Departments of Chemistry, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Biochemistry, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, and Microbiology attend CBI seminar series. The seminars series are unique at CBI Illinois and a bit different from regular speaking engagements as the focus leans heavily toward interaction with trainees and we have found that our speakers find this very refreshing. Our visitors participate in a few one-on-one meetings with faculty and the senior trainees get experience presenting their research presentation in a small collaborative setting. Lastly, the visit is followed by a seminar presentation from our guest speaker.
9/22/22 -4:00pm 116 RAL
“Protein acylation-deacylation cycles regulate signaling pathways in cancer and inflammation”
Trainee Host: Andrew Rice, Mitchell lab
9/30/22 -12:00pm B102 CLSL
“HNF4alpha: A Nuclear Receptor at the Interface of Chemical Interactions with Biological Systems”
Trainee Host: Nick Baker, Kalsotra lab
1/19/23 -4:00pm 116 RAL
“Realizing Chemistry’s Role in the Emergence of Sustainability: A Systems Approach”
Trainee Host: Jorge Calderin, Fratti lab
2/16/23 -4:00pm B102 CLSL
“Engineering Polyketide Synthases Using the Correct Module Boundary”
Trainee Host: Angie Caserio, Metcalf lab
4/6/23 -4:00pm 116 RAL
Trainee Host: Marya Ornelas, Mehta lab
5/5/23 -12:00pm 116 RAL
“Optical tools for mapping brain dynamics: from synapses to circuits”
Trainee Host: Marisa Asadian, Han lab
8/26/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Targeting RAS for cancer treatment: what a long strange trip it’s been”
Trainee Host: Michael Mulligan, Hergenrother lab
8/30/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Efficient Synthesis of Multifunctional Proteins Using Enzymatic Oxidative Coupling Reactions”
Trainee Host: Jonnathan Marin-Toledo, Burke lab
9/14/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Cryo-EM studies of Type IV Secretion Systems of pathogenic bacteria”
Trainee Host: Megan Ringling, Blanke lab
10/18/21 -4:00pm, 116 RAL
“Mitochondria to the rescue: signaling in health and disease”
Trainee Host: Dylan Blaha, Kranz lab
10/21/21 -4:00pm, Virtual
“Expanding the Synthetic Capabilities of Yeast”
Trainee Host: Joenisse Rosado-Rosa, Mehta lab
11/18/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Bioengineering beyond cells to enable a fair and sustainable 21st bio-century”
Trainee Host: Alex Battiste, Mitchell lab
12/3/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Exploring the antigenic universe; how the immune system recognizes diverse structural and chemical signals of disease”
Trainee Host: Dylan Blaha, Kranz lab
1/27/22 -4:00pm Virtual
“Carbohydrates at the Host-Microbe Interface”
Trainee Host: Sydney McKee, Hergenrother lab
4/28/22 -4:00pm Virtual
“Unveiling the molecular underpinnings of natural product biosynthesis”
Trainee Host: Susanna Barrett, Mitchell lab
TBD -4:00pm 116 RAL
Trainee Host: Andrew Rice, Mitchell lab
9/15/20 -3:30pm Virtual
“Activity-Based Sensing Approaches to Decipher Transition Metal Signaling”
Trainee Host: Sophie McClain, Murphy lab
9/21/20 -4:00pm Virtual
“It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World: Planning for a Career in Science”
Trainee Host: Matthew Boudreau, Hergenrother lab
10/9/20 -12:00pm Virtual
“Structural Biology of Redox Complexes, Allostery, and Dynamics in P450 Catalysis”
Trainee Host: Rachel Martini, Lu lab
10/12/20 -4:00pm Virtual
“Connecting the World’s Mass Spectrometry Data to Understand the Chemistry of Life – a Big Data Strategy”
Trainee Host: Sara Eslami, van der Donk lab
10/26/20 -4:00pm Virtual
“A Soft Lithography Method to Generate Arrays of Microstructures on Hydrogel Surfaces”
Trainee Host: Jazmin Aguilar-Romero, Zimmerman lab
12/3/20 -4:00pm Virtual
“Towards Regenerative Immunotherapy: Using Biomaterials for Local Delivery Bioactive Lipids and Pro-resolving Lipid Mediators”
Trainee Host: Aliki Kolliopoulos, Harley lab
2/4/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Electron Transport in the Model Acetotrophic Methanogen Methanosarcina acetivorans”
Trainee Host: Roy Rodriguez Carrero, Metcalf lab
2/26/21 -12:00pm Virtual
“The human microbiome in the era of personalized medicine… and a SARS-CoV-2 origin story”
Trainee Host: Andrew Blake, Burke lab
3/1/21 -12:00pm Virtual
“Granular Biomaterials for endogenous repair”
Trainee Host: Gabriela Ibarra, Chan lab
5/17/21 -4:00pm Virtual
“Delivery proteins to cells and animals”
Trainee Host: Lindsay Chatkewitz, Hergenrother lab
09/23/19 -4pm, 116 RAL
“Cell-Wall Recycling in Gram-Negative Bacteria and the Nexus to Antibiotic Resistance”
Trainee Host: Kristen Munoz, Hergenrother lab
10/29/19 -2pm, 116 RAL
“Protein dynamics for precision medicine”
Trainee Host: Jiming Chen, Shukla lab
02/27/20 -3:30pm, 116 RAL
“Biological methane oxidation”
Trainee Host: Tim Precord, Mitchell lab
03/02/20 -3:30pm, 116 RA
“The Biosynthesis of Lipoic Acid: A Saga of Death, Destruction and Rebirth”
Trainee Host: Kyle Shelton, Mitchell lab
09/18/18 – 4pm, 1024 Chem Annex
“Climbing E°’verest to study amino-acid radicals in biological (proton coupled) electron transfer”
Trainee Host: Claire Merchen, Lu lab
10/04/18 -4pm, 116 RAL
“Chemical Interception of Bacterial Communication: New Languages, New Outcomes”
Trainee Host: Martin Chavez, Hergenrother lab
10/09/18 -12pm, B102 CLSL
“Essential Genes and Cistromes in Hormone-Dependent Cancers”
Trainee Host: Valeria Sanabria Guillen, Katzenellenbogen lab
11/05/18 -4pm, 116 RA
“Targeted Protein Degradation as a new Drug Development Strategy”
Trainee Host: Matthew Boudreau, Hergenrother lab
01/28/19 -4pm, 116 RAL
“Protein Prodrugs”
Trainee Host: Nicholas Pino, Chan lab
02/08/19 -12pm, B102 CLSL
“Connecting Genes to Chemistry to Empower Small Molecule Discovery and Production”
Trainee Host: Imran Rahman, van der Donk lab
02/14/19 -4pm, 116 RAL
“Adventures in Science and Science Policy: From Industry to the White House and Beyond”
Trainee Host: Libby Haywood, Wilson lab
02/21/19 -4pm, 116 RAL
“Moving beyond Methionine Synthase: New Insight into Cobalamin-Dependent Methylation Reactions”
Trainee Host: Kyle Shelton, Mitchell lab
05/16/19 -10am to 2pm, 116 RAL
Chemisty Biology Interface Biostatics Workshop
09/05/17 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“High-throughput behavior based neuroactive drug discovery in the zebrafish”
Trainee Host: Riley Svec, Hergenrother lab
09/22/17 – 12pm, B102 CLSL
“Engineering Ancient Proteins for Biotherapeutic Development”
Trainee Host: Maxwell Baymiler, Martinis lab
10/05/17 – 2pm in B102 CLSL
“Discovery and Characterization of Lipids and Peptides”
Trainee Host: Effie Zhou, Chan lab
10/17/17 – 4pm in 116 RAL
“Chemical Tricks for Drugging the Undruggable”
Trainee Host: Aaron Roth, Denmark lab
11/17/17 – 12pm, B102 CLSL
“The tRNA epitranscriptome coordinates with a code of codons to schedule translation of survival proteins in eukaryotes, prokaryotes and viruses”
Trainee Host: Andrew Buechler, Martinis lab
11/27/17 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry They Inspire”
Trainee Host: Lucas Hernandez, Sarlah lab
12/13/17 – 2pm, B102 CLSL
“Exploration of Molecular Recognition Processes Encountered in Structure-based Drug Design”
Trainee Host: David Stevens, Hammes-Schiffer lab
01/29/18 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Unraveling viral RNA genomes: One segment at a time”
Trainee Host: Lauren Hagler, Zimmerman lab
02/08/18 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Transition states and transition state analogues”
Trainee Host: Christopher Reinhardt, Chan lab
02/16/18 – 12pm, B102 CLSL
“The Small Liberal Arts College Experience: A Sweet Spot for Total Professional Development”
Trainee Host: Mara Livezey, Shapiro lab
03/26/18 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Biodiversity, Natural Products and Drug Development: Fish-hunting Cone Snails, A Case Study”
Trainee Host: Imran Rahman, van der Donk lab
10/07/16 – 12pm in B102 CLSL
“Imaging RNA and RNA biology using RNA mimics of green fluorescent protein”
Trainee Host: Joseph Seimetz, Kalsotra lab
10/28/16 – 12pm in B102 CLSL
“The Social Life of Microbes: Communication, Cooperation and Conflict in Bacteria”
Trainee Host: Philip Olivares, Nair lab
02/02/17 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Quantitative Biology with Genetically Encoded Sensors: Opportunities and Challenges”
Trainee Host: Chelsea Anorma, Chan lab
03/06/17 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Recent Studies Towards the Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products”
Trainee Host: Sarah Perlmutter, Hergenrother lab
04/07/17 – 12pm, B102 CLSL
“A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to the Faculty”
Trainee Host: Mara Livezey, Shapiro lab
04/13/17 – 2pm, 116 RAL
“Genome in 3D: models of chromosome folding”
Trainee Host: Katelyn Dahlke, Sing lab
05/01/17 – 4pm, 116 RAL
“Capturing Transcriptional Co-Activators with Small Molecules”
Trainee Host: Emma Southgate, Sarlah lab
“Protein interactions in modular synthases”
Trainee Host: Kenton Hetrick, van der Donk lab
“Mass spectrometry to improve diagnostics and further our understanding of infectious and chronic diseases”
Trainee Host: Joanthan Tietz, Mitchell lab
“Systematic construction of biosynthetic pathways for chemical production”
Trainee Host: Lisa Della Ripa, Rienstra lab
“From Disease and Soft Condensed Matter to Dual-Phase Evolution”
Trainee Host: Elizabeth Haywood, Wilson lab
“A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to the Faculty”
Trainee Host: Mara Livezey, Shapiro lab
“Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Next Generation Molecular Microscopy for Biological and Clinical Research”
Trainee Host: Troy Comi, Sweedler lab
“Molecular Elucidation and Engineering of Stem Cell Fate Decisions”
Trainee Host: Yelena Ilin, Kraft lab
“Engineering Injectable Hydrogels to Alter Biological and Mechanical Signals after Infarction”
Trainee Host: William Grier, Harley lab
“Gut Reactions: Exploring the Chemistry of the Human Microbiota”
Trainee Host: Jonathan Tietz, Mitchell lab
“The Artificial Leaf”
Trainee Host: Julian Reed, Lu lab
“Time-Resolved and Cell-Selective Analysis of Protein Synthesis in Complex Biological Systems”
Trainee Host: Brandon Burkhart, Mitchell lab
Chemistry-Biology Interface Workshop
Trainee Host: Michael Lambrecht, Hergenrother lab
““GoogleMAP”-type molecular view of microbes and biofilms – from culture to people”
Trainee Host: Chantal Garcia De Gonzalo, van der Donk lab
“Exploring Energy Metabolism with Small Molecules”
Trainee Host: Michael Lambrecht, Hergenrother lab
“What A Chemist Can Learn From 25 Years of Talking to Biologists”
Trainee Host: Jonathan Tietz, Mitchell lab
“From Organic Chemistry to Regenerative Medicine:Realizing the Promise of Translational Research”
Trainee Host: Cartney Smith, Kong lab
“Privileged RNA scaffolds for in vivo sensing functions”
Trainee Host: Benjamin Brandsen, Silverman lab
“Biosynthesis of β-Lactam Antibiotics and the Force of Convergent Evolution”
Trainee Host: Christopher Schwalen, Mitchell lab
Chemisty Biology Interface Biostatics Workshop
Trainee Host: Rachel Botham, Hergenrother lab
“Multitasking Anti-Cancer Biotherapeutics”
Trainee Host: Sheena Smith, Kranz lab
“Nontraditional Careers for Scientists: Thinking Outside the Lab”
Trainee Host: Patrick Knerr, van der Donk lab
Career Development Workshop: “Pursuing a Career in Academia”
“Resisting Resistance: Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance with Small Molecules”
Trainee Host: Tucker Maxson, Mitchell lab
“Expanding the Chemical Toolbox to Probe Neuronal Signaling”
Trainee Host: Itamar Livnat, Sweedler lab
“Application of Fungi and Bacteria as Biological Factories for the Production of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites”
Trainee Host: Manuel Ortega, van der Donk lab
“Dynamics of Ribosome Biogenesis: A Chemist’s Omnibus of Approaches”
Trainee Host: Crystal Randall, Shisler lab
“Pathogenesis of RNA Viruses: New Insights into Influenza and Astroviruses”
Trainee Host: Patrick Knerr, van der Donk lab
“Structure of the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein and implications for Alzheimer’s Disease”
Trainee Host: Michael Brothers, Rienstra & Wilson labs
“Enzymatic functionalization of unactivated sp2-hybridized carbon centers”
Trainee Host: Spencer Peck, van der Donk lab
“Towards understanding and combating resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics”
Trainee Host: Kyle Dunbar, Mitchell lab
“Drug delivery systems for treatment of brain tumors”
Trainee Host: Steven Caliari, Harley lab
“Identification and Detection of Impurities and Contaminants in Heparin Sodium”
Trainee Host: Tucker Maxson, Mitchell lab
“Affinity Proteomics and Target Identification for Small Molecule Drug Candidates”
Trainee Host: Rachel Botham, Hergenrother lab
“Chromatin Structure and Function Explored Through Chemical Synthesis”
Trainee Host: Patrick Knerr, van der Donk lab
“Single Cells to Communities: Understanding the Biology of One Organism at Multiple Scales”
Trainee Host: Caroline Milne, Price lab
“Mononuclear Nonheme Iron Enzymes: What Can’t They Do?”
Trainee Host: Christine Herman, Bailey lab
“Mimicking Biological Functions with DNA Base Replacements: Synthesis, Applications, and Cellular Activity”
Trainee Host: Kristin Finch, Hergenrother lab
“The ‘Tricky Business’ of Oxygen Activation in Enzymes”
Trainee Host: Nicholas Marshall, Lu lab
“Some Experiments in Molecular Computing and Robotics”
Trainee Host: Raymond Morales, Cann lab
“Bacterial Symbioses and the Discovery of New Molecules”
Trainee Host: Juan Velasquez, van der Donk lab
“Structure and Biological Function in Peptidic Foldamers”
Trainee Host: David Knapp, Burke lab
“Pharmacology of the Mitotic Spindle”
Trainee Host: Quinn Peterson, Hergenrother lab
“Assembly of Simple and Complex [Fe-S] Clusters”
Trainee Host: Matthew Olsen, Rauchfuss lab
“Chemical Diversity and Enzymatic Versatility in Natural Product Biosynthesis”
Trainee Host: Matthew DeSeino, Zhao lab
“New Protein Engineering Platform Technologies; From Antibodies to Enzymes”
Trainee Host: Ian Gut, van der Donk and Imlay labs
“Mechanism and versatility of Fe(II)/alpha-ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenases”
Trainee Host: Julia Martin, Imlay lab
“Assembly of Simple and Complex [Fe-S] Clusters”
Trainee Host: Jessica Frisz, Bailey lab
“Idiosyncratic Tuning of tRNAs in Translation”
Trainee Host: Alexis Black, Schulten lab
“Interfacing Chemistry with Biology for the 21st Century”
Trainee Host: Alexander Parent, Katzenellenbogen lab
“Taking a Hit for the Team: Self-Sacrifice as an Enzymatic Strategy in the Biosynthesis of Lipoic Acid”
Trainee Host: Quin Christensen, Cronan lab
“Tryptophan, cysteine and thiamin metabolism: gene assignment and mechanistic studies”
Trainee Host: Lisa Cooper, van der Donk lab
“Chemical Genetics: Probing Cell Biology with Small Molecules”
Trainee Host: Jillian Gunther, Katzenellenbogen lab
“New Opportunities in Natural Products Chemistry: Biosynthesis and Engineering”
Trainee Host: Ben Circello, Metcalf lab